Dear friends of cytometry,
today we started the 30th Anniversary conference of the German Society of Cytometry (DGfZ). More than 80 early birds were welcomed by the DGfZ´s president Anja Hauser.
Andreas Radbruch, long-term member of the DGfZ, introduced Günter Valet, one of the founding fathers of the DGfZ. He presented his personal view of 30 years DGfZ.
We thank all the speakers from the today´s session who made this day very much inspiring: Mayur Bakshi from Fluidigm at the Fluidigm Webinar.
Michael Dustin from the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology. He gave an excellent talk on the molecular architecture of immune synapses as Keynote Lecture. Sebastian Weissmann from Sony at the Sony Webinar.
Simone Pöschel from Universitätsklinikum Tübingen and Bastian Höchst from Technische Universität München presented at the Core Facility Session.
Most exiting experience for all was our iPoster session chaired by Raluca Niesner, vice president of the DGfZ and Attila Tarnok and Torsten Viergutz, both DGfZ. 15 participants presented their virtual posters within 3 min each. The best presententation will be awarded tomorrow during the last session.
This very sussessful day was finished by the Core Facility Networking Event. We are looking forward to meeting you all again tomorrow.
The organizers of the DiGifZ
We have a special gift to the 30th aniversary of the DGfZ: an interview with Günter Valet about the history of cytometry, its impact for science today and in the future.